Section: New Software and Platforms

Fish locomotion in perfect fluids with potential flow

Participants : Alexandre Munnier [correspondant] , Bruno Pinçon.

SOLEIL is a Matlab suite to simulate the self-propelled swimming motion of a single 3D swimmer immersed in a potential flow. The swimmer is modeled as a shape-changing body whose deformations can be either prescribed as a function of time (simulation of the direct swimming problem) or computed in such a way that the swimmer reaches a prescribed location (control problem). For given deformations, the hydrodynamical forces exerted by the fluid on the swimmer are expressed as solutions of 2D integral equations on the swimmer's surface, numerically solved by means of a collocation method.

SOLEIL is free, distributed under licence GPL v3. More details are available on the project web page http://soleil.gforge.inria.fr/ .

The next step of SOLEIL (under progress) is to take into account a fluid whose flow is governed by Stokes equations.

  • Version: 0.1

  • Programming language:Matlab/C++